AveriSource Discover - Overview
AveriSource Discover is the second package in the AveriSource Platform™️. AveriSource Discover is used to gain insights into code and module dependencies, code complexity, data operations, data structures, and the data dictionary. The Discover dashboard page includes:
Suggested Actions
Suggested Actions are key tasks that are recommended to be performed, with links to the applicable AveriSource Discover reports. The AveriSource Platform provides this guidance so that users understand how best to use AveriSource Discover to gain the most out of this part of their modernization journey.

File Complexity Levels
File Complexity Levels provides the breakdown of files by complexity into three levels: Low, Medium, and High. It also displays the total number of files under each complexity level and the percentage of files under each complexity level.

Files, Data Sources, & Definitions
This section provides an overview of the Complexity report, Data Source Usage report and Unique References under the Data Dictionary report. Users can click on the respective report’s hyperlink to open the report.

AveriSource Discover contains the following reports, divided into Application Overview and Data Lineage.