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Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary report contains the list of all the identifiers defined and referenced in the application. The list includes variables, file definitions, and subroutine names. The report is divided into two sections: Definitions and References.

  • Definitions: The Definitions section lists all the identifiers defined in the programs within the application. Identifiers include file name, method/paragraph/routine name, and all the variables that are declared or defined in a program. This report is further divided into two sections.

    • All: This report lists unique definitions across all the programs within the application. The Occurrences column displays the count of total definitions of the identifier across all the programs. Users can enter the identifier description under the Translation column.

    • All: This report lists all the identifier definitions by programs within the application. When users select a program from the left-hand side table, the right-hand side table will populate the identifier for the selected program. Identifier descriptions can be added under the Translation column.


  • References: The References section lists all the identifiers referenced in the programs within the application. If an identifier is defined in the program but not used in any executable statement, it will not appear in the References report. Similar to Definitions, this report is also divided into two sections.

    • Unique: This report lists unique references across all the programs within the application. The Occurrences column displays the count of total references of the identifier across all the programs. Users can enter the identifier description under the Translation column.

    • All: This report lists all the identifier references by programs within the application. When users select a program from the left-hand side table, the right-hand side table will populate the identifier for the selected program. Identifier descriptions can be added under the Translation column.

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