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AveriSource Inventory - Overview

AveriSource Inventory is the first licensed package in the AveriSource Platform™. It provides insights into the size of the legacy estate, an understanding of the technology stack/landscape, and the details of missing, unreferenced, and expanded files. The AveriSource Inventory dashboard contains the following information:

  • Suggested Actions

  • Summary

  • Comments

  • File Type Breakdown


Suggested Actions

Suggested Actions are a list of key tasks that the AveriSource Platform recommends for an optimal modernization journey. Completion of these tasks helps to ensure that critical issues or information are acted upon. For AveriSource Inventory, the suggested actions include resolving Missing Files, Unreferenced Files, and Unknown Files. Validating the list of Missing Files is important to ensure files that are part of the scope are not excluded. Unreferenced Files capture files not referenced by a Job or a Program. Files that are uniquely referenced by an unreferenced file are also included in this list. Users can decide if these files can be ignored from the Inventory or if the files referencing them are missing and require loading into the inventory. Unknown files are those that the AveriSource Platform cannot identify and hence require a review by the user.


The Summary section provides details on the number of files received, total lines of code, the different types of files, the number of directories in the provided source files, and the different types of extensions found across the input files. File types denote the supported languages like COBOL, RPG, JCL, and Assembler.


This section displays all comments that users have made on any AveriSource Inventory report.

File Type Breakdown

While the Summary section provides the number of different file types found in the input application source code, this section provides additional details, including the number of files within each file type, the total number of lines for each file type, expanded lines, and the percentage of each file type in the total application source. The Expanded Lines column captures the lines of code in those programs that refer to procedure division copybooks and COPY/REPLACING statements.

AveriSource Inventory also contains the following reports:

Note: Reviewing/validating the missing, unreferenced and unknown files is important to have a correctly scoped application inventory for further analysis. Not doing so may lead to critical functionality being missed, an increase in the application footprint by retaining files that are not required, and so on.

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