File Typing
For code collection, the AveriSource Platform™ processes application source components and environment or database definition files loaded onto the server in ASCII text format with appropriate file extensions from the table below. Optimally, these are separated into distinct mainframe PDS files or midrange system folders per source type. If this is the case, they should easily be copied via FTP jobs to convert the source from EBCDIC to ASCII, and download the PDS/folder content into a Windows server folder of choice, named by source type, such as COBOL.
The AveriSource Platform 2.3 and later will now attempt to identify input files with no file extension, or with an unknown extension. The languages recognized in this release are COBOL, JCL, Assembler, and CICS Map. The AveriSource Platform 2.4 and later can also identify RPG, AS400 Objects, CL and Model 204. These abilities are extended to the Preparser as well. Other languages should be given file extensions according to the table below. Should files remain unrecognized, they will appear in the Unknown Files report where they can be multi-selected and given a type manually.
On the Unknown Files report, select the files for which to change the type. Then, change the type for multiple files at the same time

For any types not listed or in question, contact AveriSource Customer Success at
Extension | Language/Environment | Subtype | Description |
ASM | ASM | Program | Assembler program (any platform) |
BMS | CICS | Screen | CICS bit mapping Service (screen) |
CBL | COBOL | Program | COBOL program (any platform) |
CL | Job Control | Program | IBM AS/400 (Job) Control Language |
CPY | Any | Copybook | COBOL copybook (any platform) |
CTL | CTL | Data | Control card file |
DBD | IMS | Definition | Database descriptor file |
DDS | RPG | Definition | RPG file or screen definition |
ECL | Job Control | Program | Unisys 2200 (Job) Extended Control Languages |
EZT | Easytrieve® | Program | Easytrieve program |
FCT | CICS | Definition | IBM CICS file control table |
INC | Any | Include | Program include file or copybook |
JCL | Job Control | Program | IBM mainframe Job Control Language |
204 | Model 204 | Program | Model 204 program |
MAP | Natural | Screen | Natural Map |
MFS | IMS | Screen | IMS Message Format System (screen) |
NAT | Natural | Program | Natural program |
OBS | ObjectStar | Program | ObjectStar program |
PCB | IMS | Definition | Program Control Block |
PCT | CICS | Definition | IBM CICS Program Control Table |
PLI | PL/I | Program | PL/I program |
PPT | CICS | Definition | IBM CICS Processing Program Table |
PRC | Job Control | Procedure | JCL PROC procedure |
PSB | IMS | Definition | Program specification block |
RDT | CICS | Definition | IBM CICS resource definition table |
RPG | RPG | Program | RPG program (any dialect) |
SAS | SAS | Program | SAS program |
SQL | DDL/SQL | Program | Database definition or SQL code |